Art. 15. That the levying of taxes by the poll is
grievous and oppressive, and ought to be prohibited;
that paupers out not to be assessed for the support of |
Poll tax. |
the Government ; but every person in the State, or per-
son holding property therein, ought to contribute his
proportion of public taxes for the support of the Gov-
ernment, according to his actual worth in real or per- |
Taxation ac-
cording to
actual worth. |
sonal property; yet fines, duties or taxes may properly
and justly be imposed, or laid with a political view for
the good government and benefit of the community.
Eagan v. Charles Co., 3 H. & McH., 169. Tax Cases, 12 G. &
J., 117. Waters v. State, 1 Gill, 302. Burgess v. Pue, 2 Gill, ll
and 254. State v, Mayhew, 2 Gill, 487. Howell v. State, 3 Gill,
14. Mayor, &c., of Baltimore, v. B. & 0. R. R. Co., 6 Gill, 290.
Bradford v. Jones, l Md. 363. Germania v. State, 7 Md., I.
State v. Norwood, 12 Md., 195. O'Neal v. Va. & Md. Bridge
Co , 18 Md., I. Howard v. First Independent Church, 18 Md.,
451- State v. Stirling, 20 Md., 516. Tyson v. State, 28 Md.,
577. State v. Cum. & Penn. R. R. Co., 40 Md., 22. State v. N.
C, R. R. Co., 44 Md., 131. State v. Phil., Wilm. & Balto. R. R.
Co., 45 Md., 361. Appeal Tax Court v. Rice, 50 Md., 303. Ap-
peal Tax Court v. Patterson, 50 Md., 354. Co. Commr. of Prince
George's Co. v. Commrs. of Laurel, 51 Md., 457. Mayor, &c.,
v. Canton Co., 63 Md., 237. Daly v. Morgan. 69 Md., 460.
Commrs. Prince George's Co. v. Commrs. Laurel, 70 Md,, 269.
Alien v. Co. Commrs. Harford Co., 74 Md., 294. Wells v.
Commrs. of Hyattsville, 77 Md., 125. U. S. Electric Power
Light Co. v. State, 79 Md., 63. Rohr v. Gray, 80 Md., 274.
Short v. The State, 80 Md., 292. Baltimore and Eastern Shore
R. R. v. Spring, 80 Md., 510. Simpson v. Hopkins, 82 Md.,
478. Faust va. Building Ass'n,84Md., 186. B. C. & A. Ry. v.
Wicomico Co., 93 Md., 113. |
Fines. |
Art. 16. That sanguinary Laws ought to be avoided
as far as it is consistent with the safety of the State;
and no Law to inflict cruel and unusual pains and pen-
alties ought to be made in any case, or at any time,
Foote v. State, 59 Md., 264 Mitchell v. State, 82 Md., 527- |
laws. |
Art. 17. That retrospective Laws, punishing acts
committed before the existence of such Laws, and by
them only declared criminal are oppressive, unjust and
incompatible with liberty; wherefore, no ex post facto
Law ought to be made; nor any retrospective oath or
restriction be imposed or required.
McMechen v. Mayor, &c., of Balto., 2 H. & J. 41. C. & 0.
Canal Co. v. B. & 0. R. R. Co., 4 G. & J. l. State, use of
Washington Co., v. B. & 0. R. R. Co., 12 G. & J. 399. State v.
Burke, 2 Gill, 79. Baugher v. Nelson, 9 Gill, 302. Wilson v.
Hardesty, 1 Md. Ch., 66. Wilderman v. Mayor, &c., of Balto., |
laws. |