communications as the Executive may please to transmit
with the same, and report thereon to the Senate.
RULE xx.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills shall examine all
Senate bills and resolutions ordered to be engrossed for a
third reading, and. ascertain whether they have been properly
and accurately transcribed, with all the amendments to the
same that have been adopted by the Senate; they shall also
examine all Senate bills and resolutions passed by the House,
and ascertain, in like manner, whether the same represent
the final action of both Houses. The signatures of two
members of the committee shall always) be considered a
necessary endorsement as to the accuracy of all such bills and
Every bill shall be introduced on bill paper in the regular
form, which shall be read the first time, and then referred
by the President to its appropriate Standing Committee,
unless otherwise ordered, and it shall be the province and
duty of said committee to report said bill either favorably
or unfavorably, with or without amendment; when the bill
is reported with amendment, the amendment proposed shall
be on separate paper and attached to the original bill, and
upon such report the bill shall be placed upon its second
Every bill or resolution, originating in the Senate or
received from the House, shall be read on three several days,
unless the Senate by special order—two-thirds of the
Senators-elect agreeing—dispense with the rule, and shall
always be open to the examination of Senators when in the
possession of the Senate.