session, and after due notice of vacancies has been advertised by them
in the daily journals.
There are also (15) Fifteen Foundation Scholarships providing free
tuition, awarded by the Board of Visitors and Governors to deserving
youth, resident in the city of Annapolis, Md.
St. Peter Clavier Colored Industrial School of Baltimore, $300 for
1903 and $300 for 1904.
St. Francis Xavier School for Deaf and Dumb (white} Children,
$500 for 1903 and $500 for 1904.
Washington College, at Chestertown, receives $2,500 for the year
1903; $2,500 for the year 1904. (Chapter 512, 1902).
It is required to furnish a free scholarship in every Senatorial dis-
trict in the State. Apply to Dr. Charles W- Reid, Principal. Normal
Department, created by Act of 1896, gives one free scholarship to each
county on the Eastern Shore. The scholarships are appointed through
the Boards of School Commissioners in the several counties.
Western Maryland College, at Westminster, receives under Chapter
512, 1902, $1,300 for 1903 and $1,300 for 1904; also annual appropria-
. tions under Chapter 239, 1878. $5,200; under 279. 1890, $ 1,000, and under
106, 1898, $6,500.
It is required to furnish two free scholarships, one to a male and one
to a female, to each of the Senatorial districts of the State, said scholar-
ships giving tuition, boarding, washing, fuel and lights free. These
scholars are selected by the school commissioners and the State Sena-
tor, after a competitive examination conducted by the School Exam-
iner of each district. The scholarships may be held by the same per-
son for four years, each person holding same, gives bond to teach
school in the State for two years after graduation. All applications for
these scholarships must be made to the school commissioners of the
district in which the applicant resides. Free tuition is given to two
students from each election district of Carroll County. Apply to Dr.
Thomas H, Lewis, President.
Aged Men and Women's Home of the Methodist Episcopal Churches
of the Washington Annual Conference of Baltimore City receives
$500 for the year 1903 and $500 for the year 1904. (Chapter 512, 1902).
It is located on the corner of Fulton avenue and Franklin street
Its object is to give aged and needy members of the M. E. Church a
home. No one under sixty years admitted. Proper recommendations
required and the payment of $150. Apply to Barbara S. Winks, Cor-
responding Secretary.
Baltimore City Hospital receives under Chapter 512, 1902, $7,000
for the year 1903 and $7,000 for the year 1904. It is located at Calvert
and Saratoga- streets.
It is required to furnish one bed, maintenance and treatment for one
patient at a time from each Senatorial district of the State, "during
two years from the date of the passage of this Act." Apply to Sister
Mary Benedicta, Superior.
Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Chanty Hospital, $l,ooo for 1903,
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