late as a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa., where he graduated in the class of 1869.
He settled in the town of Crisfield in 1871, where he now
resides. The only office that he has ever held has been that
of Commissioner of Crisfield and School Commissioner of
Somerset County. He was a candidate for the State Senate
in 1895, but was defeated with his party. Dr. Atkinson has
always taken an active part in the councils of the Democratic
party, but has never been an aspirant for office. He was for
over two years president of the Bank of Crisfield, but
retired for business reasons. He is now president of the
Crisfield Ice Manufacturing Company and a member of the
well-known drug firm of Hall, Atkinson & Co. Dr. Atkin-
son is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and is
connected with the official board of this organization.
State Treasurer: MURRAY VANDIVER (Democrat), of Har-
ford County.
Mr. Murray Vandiver was born in 1845 at Havre de
Grace, Md. He is the son of the late Robert R. Vandiver, a
descendant of some of the first settlers of Delaware. He was
educated in the public schools of Harford County and Havre
de Grace Academy, and graduated from a business college in
Pough-keepsie, N. Y., in 1864. He early engaged in the
lumber business in Havre de Grace. He was elected a mem-
ber of the House of Delegates of Maryland of 1876, 1878, 1880,
and was Speaker of the House in 1892. He was a member of
the National Democratic Convention of 1892, which nominated
Cleveland; of 1896, which nominated Bryan the first time,
and a delegate-at-large to the National Democratic Conven-
tion of 1900. From 1888 to 1893 he was secretary and treasurer
of the Democratic State Central Committee, and in 1897 became
chairman of the committee by appointment of Col. Buchanan
Schley. He was reappointed chairman of the committee by
Col. L. Victor Baughman in August, 1899, with the full con-
currence of the State Convention. As chairman of the Demo-
cratic State Central Committee Mr. Vandiver conducted the
reorganization primary campaign in Baltimore City in the fall
of 1898, which resulted in the precinct organization in Balti-
more City of which Hon. James P. Gorter is the head. Mr.
Vandiver managed the State campaign in 1899, which restored
the Democratic party to power in the State, as well as exer-
cised an influence in his advisory capacity in the municipal
campaign in Baltimore City in the spring of 1899, which
restored the Democratic party to power in the city. From
July, 1893, to October I, 1897, Mr. Vandiver was Collector of
Internal Revenue for the District of Maryland, District of