journal of their proceedings, and shall hold regular
sessions in the City of Annapolis on the first Wednesday
in January, April, July and October in each year, and
oftener if necessary; at which sessions they shall hear
and determine such matters as affect the Public Works
Sec. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful
supervision of all Public Works in which the State may
be interested as Stockholder or Creditor, and shall
represent and vote the stock of the State of Maryland in
all meetings of the stockholders of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal; and shall appoint the Directors in every
Railroad and Canal Company in which the State has
the legal power to appoint Directors, which said Direc-
tors shall represent the State in all meetings of the
Stockholders of the respective Companies for which
they are appointed or elected. And the President and
Directors of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-
pany shall so regulate the tolls of said Company from
time to time as to produce the largest amount of
revenue, and to avoid the injurious effect to said
Company of rival competition by other Internal Im-
provement Companies. They shall require the Direc-
tors of all said Public Works to guard the public
interest and prevent the establishment of tolls which
shall discriminate against the interest of the citizens or
products of this State, and from time to time, and as
often as there shall be any change in the rates of toll on
any of the said Works, to furnish the said Board of Pub-
lic Works a schedule of such modified rates of toll, and
so adjust them as to promote the agricultural interests
of the State ; they shall report to the General Assembly
at each regular session, and recommend such legislation
as they may deem necessary and requisite to promote or
protect the interests of the State in the said Public
Works; they shall perform such other duties as may be
hereafter prescribed by Law, and a majority of them
shall be competent to act. The Governor, Comptroller
and Treasurer shall receive no additional salary for ser-
vices rendered by them as members of the Board of Pub-