was defeated. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa
Society of the Hopkins, one of the Board of Governors and
counsel of the Old Town Merchants and Manufacturers'
Association, one of the directors and the general counsel of
the Central Business Men's Association, an active member
of the Reform League and a member of the Maryland Histori-
cal Society.
Baltimore City, (Second District)—LEWIS PUTZEL, Republican.
Senator Putzel was born in Baltimore in 1866. He grad-
uated with honor from Baltimore City College in 1885, and
stood second in his class at the law school of the University
of Maryland, graduating in 1888. In 1895 Mr. Pntzel was
elected a member of the House of Delegates. In 1896 he was
appointed by Mayor Hooper City Attorney, by virtue of which
appointment he became a member of the New Charter Com-
mission. He was elected to the State Senate in 1897, and at
once took a leading part in that body, being the author of
many important measures. He was re-elected in 1901.
Baltimore Cily, (Third District)—OLIN BRYAN, Democrat.
Olin Bryan was born June 22, 1863, in Queen Anne's
County, and educated in the public schools, under a private
tutor, and at Dover Academy. He graduated from the Law
Department of the University of Maryland in 1887, beginning
the practice of law in Centerville the following fall and re-
mained until May, 1896.
In December, 1887, was appointed Clerk to the County
Commissioners, which position he held for four years. He
was elected from Queen Anne's County to the House of Dele-
gates in November, 1891, and as a member of the House
served on several important committees, among others that of
judiciary. In 1895 he was appointed auditor for the Circuit
Court for Queen Anne's County, which position he held until
his removal to Baltimore. He is a member of several fra-
ternal organizations, including Masonry, Knights of Pythias,
American Legion of Honor and Improved Order Heptasophs.
He is now general counsel for the latter organization, having
entire charge of all its legal business throughout the United
States. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Grand
Lodge, K. of P. For four years he was one of the owners and
editors of the "Centerville Observer."
Baltimore County—JOHN HUBNER, Democrat.
Mr. Hubner is a resident of Catonsville. He is a large
real estate owner, is president of the Old Line Real Estate
Company, and is also prominently connected with the Mary-