Public Institutions.
Baltimore Manual Labor School receives under Chapter 620, 1900,
$2,000 for the year 1901 and $2,000 for the year 1902. Apply to Gustav
Lunnan, President, or Joseph Merrefield, Secretary, 33 South Holliday
Charlotte Hall School, St. Mary's County, receives under Chapter
620, 1900, annually for two years, $5,000. Its post office is Charlotte
Hall. It is required to furnish 26 Senatorial free scholarships. Apply
to George M. Thomas, A. M., Principal.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, receives under Chapter 620,
1900, for 1901, $24,000, and for 1902, $24,000. No State scholarships
are awarded in this Institution, but the University has, since its foun-
dation, offered a large number of free scholarships to students from
Maryland, and in addition, Marylanders can compete for twenty Uni-
versity Scholarships and twenty fellowships. There are also five
"Woodyear" scholarships open to undergraduates. Apply to T. R.
Ball, Registrar.
F. Knapp's English and German Institute, receives under Chapter
620, 1900, $1,200 for year 1901 and $l,200 for year 1902. It is required lo
maintain twelve free scholarships for training and education of indi-
gent mutes, and to furnish them with text books, "appliances and so
forth," and to train and educate them. Apply to F. Knapp, Principal,
851 and 853 Hollins street, Baltimore.
Maryland. Academy of Sciences, corner Franklin and Cathedral
streets, Baltimore, receives $500 for the year 1901 and $500 for the year
1902. (Chapter 620, 1900). There are no scholarships to the Academy,
as the only requirements for admission to all but two or three expen-
sive specialties are a good character and interest in the subject dis-
cussed. Apply to P. R. Uhler, President.
Maryland Agricultural College, College Park, Md., receives an ap-
propriation of $9,000 for the year 1901 and $9,000 for the year 1902, (Art
of 1900, Chapter 620), in addition to the endowment of $6,142.30. By
the Act of Incorporation, Chapter 97, of the Acts of 1856, the Instructor
of Chemistry at the College is required "to analyze specimens of soil
that may be submitted to him by any citizen of the State. The College
is required to receive one scholar from each Senatorial district, each of
whom is required to pay $79 per annum. Apply to Joseph R. Owens,
Registrar, College Park, Md.
Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanics' Arts, un-
der Chapter 620, 1900, receives $8,000 for the year 1901 and $8,000 for
the year 1902. It is located on Baltimore street, opposite Harrison,
Baltimore. It is required to receive one free scholar from each county
in the State, and one from each Legislative district in the city of Balti-
more—selections to be made by the School Commissioners in the sev-
eral counties and the city of Baltimore. Special scholarships are given
through members of the Baltimore City Council. Apply to George L.
McCahan, Actuary, Baltimore.
Slate Normal School, Baltimore, is supported by the State, It is lo-
cated on the corner of Carrollton and Lafayette avenues. Females are