Mr. Hightman enters upon his second term as a member,
having served in the session of 1898. He has always been a
staunch Republican and interested in politics. In early life
he engaged in merchandising, but subsequently became a
farmer. He has now retired from active business. Mr.
Hightman is about sixty-two years of age and was educated
in the county schools.
J. W. SMITH, Republican.
Mr. Smith is a farmer, fifty-three years old, living near
Walkersville. He has never before held an office.
A. W. NICODEMUS, Republican.
Mr. Nicodemus, Manager of the Buckeystown Packing Co.
was born in 1833, He has served two years as County Com-
missioner, and four as Judge of the Orphans' Court. He was
engaged in farming until 1887 when he became interested in
the creamery business.
W. H. HARRY, Republican.
W. H. Harry was born in Winchester, Va. He completed
the classical course in Winchester Seminary in 1859, and
then took a business course at York, Pa. In 1865 he became
principal of the public schools in Frederick, and in 1870 he
was elected member of the faculty of Frederick College,
where he remained until 1897. In 1898 he resigned to accept
an appointment as Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court. He is
a Mason and member of the Evangelical Reformed Church.
J. P. T. MATHIAS, Republican.
Mr. Mathias, though an ardent Republican, has never
before held office. In 1899 he was a candidate for the Legis-
lature but was defeated. Mr. Mathias was born at Creagers-
town fifty-two years ago, and obtained his education in the
public schools. He is engaged in the mercantile business.
CHARLES A. ASHBY, Republican.
Mr. Ashby is a member of the oldest family in Garrett
County, his great grandfather having settled in the Glades
prior to 1750. His progenitors were a longlived race and old