TURAL SOCIETY— College Park, Md.
W. Scott Whiteford, Harford Co......2nd Congressional District......1902
Charles W. Slagle, Baltimore City....4th Congressional District......1902
Jas. M. Munroe, Anne Arundel Co ..5th Congressional District......1904
Charles H. Evans, Baltimore City.....3rd Congressional District. .....1904
David Seibert, Washington Co.........6th Congressional District......1906
Clayton J. Purnell, Worcester Co.....1st Congressional District......1906
The Board of Trustees consists of the Governor, the Comptroller, the
Treasurer, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
Delegates, the Attorney-General and the United States Commissioner
of Agriculture, ex-officio, and one person appointed by the Governor,
with the consent of the Senate, from each Congressional District of
the State. The appointments are made two biennially for six years
from the first Monday in May. (Chapter 326, 1888).
College Park, Maryland.
Chapter 289 of the Acts of 1898 creates a State Horticultural Depart-
ment, which consists of a State Entomologist, a State Pathologist and
a State Horticulturist, who shall be respectively the professor of
Entomology, the professor of Vegetable Pathology and the professor
of Horticulture of the Maryland Agricultural College. All elected by
the Trustees of the Maryland Agricultural College.
State Entomologist................Prof. A. L. Quaintance.
State Pathologist ............. ......Prof.T. R. S. Norton.
State Horticulturist................Prof. James S. Robinson.
The State Horticultural Department is an adjunct of the Maryland
Agricultural College. The department has charge of the suppression
and eradication of the San Jose scale, peach yellow, pearblight and
other injurious insect pests and plant diseases throughout the State
of Maryland.
The Department of Farmers' Institutes is also an adjunct of the
Maryland Agricultural College. Under the management of this
department public institutes or meetings are held in the several coun-
ties of the State, where agricultural topics are discussed by persons
skilled in the several branches of agriculture.
Chief Inspector,
J. Frank Smith......... ...........St. Mary's County...... ......... .... 1902
Deputy Tobacco Inspectors,
Nathaniel Broome......... .........Calvert County...................... ...1902
Isaac S. Nutwell..................Anne Arundel County......... ......1902
William D. Bowie..................Prince George's County............1902
Chief Clerk,
James J. Greenwell......... .....................................................
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints one Chief
Tobacco Inspector and three Deputy Tobacco Inspectors for two years
from the first day of March. Chief Clerk appointed by Chief Inspec-
tor. (Chapter 314,1898).
The Chief Inspector of Tobacco and Deputy Inspectors conduct
-the storage and inspection of Maryland tobacco. The operations of
the Inspectors are carried on in Baltimore City.