31. A Committee on the Chesapeake Bay and its Tribu-
taries, to consist of nineteen members, as follows: One from
each of the legislative districts of Baltimore city and one
from each of the following counties: Baltimore, Anne
Arundel, Charles, Calvert, St. Mary's, Harford, Cecil, Kent,
Queen Anne's, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester,
Somerset, Caroline and Prince George's.
32. A Committee on Organization, to consist of the Speaker
and nineteen members.
When a bill has been returned to the House by the Gov-
ernor without his signature, and with his objections thereto,
the objections shall be entered at large upon the Journal, and
the House shall proceed to reconsider the bill, and after such
reconsideration, the Speaker shall put the question: "Shall
the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the Executive?"
and the vote thereupon shall be taken by yeas and nays, and
the votes of three-fifths of all the inembers of the House shall
be necessary to pass the bill.
Reports of committees on subjects of a private or local
nature shall not, in future, be entered in extenso on the Jour-
nal, but the favorable or unfavorable character only of such
reports shall be placed on the Journal.
No standing rule or rules of the House shall be suspended
unless by unanimous consent or by vote of two-thirds of the
members present, to be ascertained by a call of the yeas and
nays, except as may be otherwise required by the Constitu-
It shall not be necessary, in organizing the House of Dele-
gates, to require the presence of any former officers, except
the Chief Clerk, the Reading Clerk and Doorkeepers, and no
other of the former officers shall receive compensation for at-