Appropriations for use of Legislature |
98 |
Arbor Day |
136 |
Area of State |
3 |
Assessed valuation of property by counties |
252 |
Asylum and Training School for Feeble Minded, Board of
Visitors |
152 |
Attorney-General, duties |
63 |
salary |
258 |
Attorneys-General of Maryland |
140 |
Auditor, State, (see Examiner of Accounts) |
B |
Baker, Jas. H |
204 |
Baltimore City |
71 |
Courts |
57 |
Delegates |
190, 209 |
Hospital |
230 |
legislative districts |
38 |
Mayor and City Council |
71, 72 |
officers, personnell |
160-164 |
Police Justices |
157 |
population, assessment, tax rate |
252 |
school tax |
254 |
Senators |
189, 199 |
vote, November 6, 1900 |
240-250 |
Baltimore County, area, formation, origin of name |
134 |
Delegates |
191, 213 |
officers, personnel |
164 |
population, assessment, tax rate |
252 |
school tax |
254 |
Senators |
189, 201 |
vote, November 6, 1900 |
240-250 |
Baltimore Day Nursery |
230 |
Humane Impartial Society |
230 |
Manual Labor School |
228 |
Medical College |
235 |
Orphan Asylum |
230 |
Banking Laws, Commissioners on Revision of |
154, 239 |
Banks, charter of |
56 |
Barons of Baltimore and Lords Proprietary |
137 |
Bast, Simeon L |
219 |
Bateman, Wilfred |
195 |
Battle Flag Commission |
156 |
Beasman, Johnzie |
201 |
Bennett, Isaac S |
227 |
Betts, B. Abner |
205 |
Biggs, Charles G |
226 |
Bill of RIghts, (see Declaration of Rights) |