The duties of the Governor, Secretary of State, Adjutant General,
Comptroller, Treasurer, Attorney General, Commissioner of the Land
Office and State Librarian are sufficiently outlined in the Constitution
of the State.
The State Tax Commissioner is charged with the duty of valuing the
capital stock of corporations for the purpose of taxation. He also has
charge of the collection of taxes on distilled spirits. Surety Com-
panies are required to report to the Tax Commissioner, and to obtain
from him a permit authorizing them to do business in this State.
The Insurance Commissioner has charge of the enforcement of the
Insurance Laws of the State, life, fire and marine.
The Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds is the Custodian
of the State Buildings and grounds in Annapolis, and has charge of
all matters pertaining to the lighting, heating and repairing of this
The State Fire Marshal is required to investigate all fires occurring
in the State to which his attention is called with a view of discovering
the cause thereof. He is especially charged with the duty of inves-
tigating incendiary fires, and the prosecution of the guilty parties.
The State Game Warden has charge of the enforcement of the Game
and Fish Laws of the State. He is assisted by numerous deputies
located in the several counties.
The Chief of the Industrial Bureau is charged with the collection of
information concerning the various branches of industry in this State,
and the needs thereof; to classify and arrange the information and
data so obtained, and to publish the same in book form annually.
The Bureau of Immigration is established for the purpose of encour-
aging immigration to this State. The Bureau is required to prepare
and distribute maps, pamphlets, and other printed matter pertaining
to the resources of the State, the shipping and marketing facilities.
The Bureau makes an annual report to the Governor.
The Commissioners for the Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation in
the United States are required to examine the subjects of marriage and
divorce, insolvency and other subjects, and to ascertain the best means
to effect an assimilation and uniformity in the laws of the States. The
Board is required to report to the Legislature.
The State Lunacy Commission has supervision over all institutions,
public, corporate or private in which insane persons are detained. The
Secretary of the Commission or one member thereof is required at
least once every six months to visit all institutions in the State,
including almshouses and jails where the insane are kept. The Com-
mission makes an annual report to the Governor in the month of
The State Live Stock Sanitary Board is charged with the duties of
protecting the health of the domestic animals of the State from con-
tagious and infectious diseases, and to maintain and enforce such
quarantine, sanitary or other regulations as it may deem necessary.