1900, $500 for the year 1901 and {500 for the year 1902. Apply to Sister
M. Magdelen, Superior, Chase street, corner Forrest, Baltimore.
Peninsula General Hospital of Salisbury, Maryland, receives
under Chapter 620, 1900, for 1901 $2,500 and for 1902 $2,500. It is re-
quired to receive from the State four patients, and treat them free of
charge, upon the certificate of the Board of Commissioners of the
several counties. (Act of 1998, Chapter 107). Apply to Dr. George W.
Todd, Superintendent, Salisbury.
Provident Hospital and Free Dispensary of Baltimore City, 413 W.
Biddle street, receives $1,500 for the year 1901 and $1,500 for the
year 1902. (Chapter 620, 1900). The institution treats free as State
patients, all who come to it, provided not more than five come in any
one week. Apply to Milton D. Brown, M. D., Superintendent.
St. Agnes's Hospital receives under Chapter 620, 1900, $2,500 for the
year 1901 and $2,500 for the year 1902. It is required to furnish free
beds to the respective counties of the State. The institution is for the
care of the sick and indigent poor. In 1897 the institution treated
seventy-eight persons. Apply to Sister M. Olymphia, Mt. Dougherty,
Carroll P. O., Baltimore.
St. Elizabeth's Home of Baltimore City for Colored Children receives
$1,000 for the year 1901 and $i,ooo for the year 1902. (Chapter 620,
1900'. Its object is to care for colored orphans and foundlings and
neglected children. Children are received under four years. It is
located at 317 St. Paul street. Apply to Mother M. Leonard, President
St. Mary's female Seminary, under Chapter 620, 1900, receives for
the year 1901 $3,500 and for the year 1902 $3,500. It is required to
receive twenty-six pupils, free of all charges. (Acts of 1868, Chapter
193. Acts of 1898, Chapter 379). Each pupil is received from a Sena-
torial district, selected by the school commissioners of the several
counties and the city of Baltimore. Apply to D. C. Hammett, Treas-
urer, Leonardtown, Maryland.
St. Mary's Orphan Asylum of Baltimore, under Chapter 620, 1900,
receives $5,000 for the year 1901 and $5,000 for the year 1902. It is
located on Cold Spring lane, near Roland avenue, Hampton P. O.,
Baltimore county. The object is the care and education of destitute
girls from four to fourteen years. They are given an elementary
English education, sewing and housework. Those that show special
aptitude are taught music and stenography. Girls are sent to homes or
other institutions from fourteen to sixteen. Apply to Sister Gertrude,
Sister in charge.
St. Vincent's Infant Asylum of Baltimore, Lafayette avenue and Divi-
sion street, receives from the State $5,000 under Chapter 620, 1900.
Infants of six years are received and kept until seven, when they are
transferred to asylums for other children unless homes have have been
provided for them. Apply to Sister Marie, Sister in charge.
Lying-in Hospital far Indigent Women receives under Chapter 620, 1900,
$3,000 for the fiscal year 1901 and a like sum of $3,000 for the fiscal year
Maryland Home for Friendless Children receives under Chapter 620,
1900, $500 for the fiscal year 1901 and a like sum of $500 for the fiscal
year 1902.
St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum receives under Chapter 620, 1900,
$500 for the fiscal year 1901 and a like sum of $500 for the fiscal year
Hospital for Consumptives receives under Chapter 620, 1900, $2,000 for
the fiscal year 1901 and a like sum of $2,000 for the fiscal year 1902.