more City College and later graduated from the Bryant,
Stratton and Sadler Business College. He was connected
with several publishing firms during the early years of his
life and afterwards became associated with Samuel T. Walker
in the real estate business. At the retirement of Mr. Walker,
Mr. Martenet continued the business under the firm name of
O. C. Martenet.
Charles E. Siegmund, from the Nineteenth ward, is a lawyer
by profession. Mr. Siegmund was born in Brooklyn, N. Y.,
in 1869, and moved to Baltimore when he was a boy. He
was educated at the City College and the Maryland Univer-
sity School of Law, graduating from the latter institution in
1895. He is a Heptasoph and a Mason.
William Lincoln Cover, of the Twentieth ward, is a photo-
grapher. Mr. Cover was born January 5, 1844, in Frederick
county, Md., and was brought up and educated there, attend-
ing the public schools and Emmittsburg Academy. He came
to Baltimore about 28 years ago and for the past 25 years has
been in business at his present place. He is a member and
past master of Arcana Lodge of Masons, past chancellor of
Mystic Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and past regent of
Peabody Council, Royal Arcanum. For several years Mr.
Cover was one of the board of directors of the southwestern
district for the Charity Organization Society.
Adoniram J. Robinson, of the Twenty-first ward, is a
member of the Baltimore Bar. Mr. Robinson attended the
public schools and graduated from the City College in 1879.
He then entered the Johns Hopkins University, graduating
from that institution in 1881. He was elected an instructor
in the Baltimore City College in 1882 and served in that
position five years. In the meantime he studied law and
graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law in
1885 and was admitted to the bar.
JOHN RIEL, Democrat.
Mr. Riel is a barrel manufacturer, residing at 1153 Ridgely
street. He was born in Baltimore in 1865, and was brought
up and educated there. He has been active in ward politics
ever since reaching his majority, and two years ago was
president of the Democratic organization of the Twenty-
second ward. He is a member of the Southwest Baltimore
Business Men's Association and of the Heptasophs.