in April, 1900, he was appointed to the position of Clerk of
the Court of Appeals by the judges of that court, and quali-
fied as such on the 2d day of May, 1900, to hold until his
successor shall have been elected at the general election in
1901. In January, 1876, he married Miss Ida Manning, of
St. Mary's county, and has a family of four children. His
home is upon a farm in St. Mary's county, located on a penin-
sula formed by the confluence of the Potomac river and
Breton's bay, where he is engaged in agricultural pursuits
to some extent. After his defeat in 1897 for the office of
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, he entered the firm of Dud-
ley & Carpenter, commission merchants, in the city of Balti-
more, but had to abandon the business at the expiration of
one year, by reason of ill health.