hereditaments whatsoever, within our kingdom of England,
and other our dominions, to inherit, or otherwise purchase,
receive, take, have, hold, buy, and possess, and the same to
use and enjoy, and the same to give, sell, alien, and be-
queath; and likewise all privileges, franchises and liberties of
this our kingdom of England, freely, quietly, and peaceably
to have and possess, and the same may use and enjoy in the
same manner as our liege-men born, or to be borne within our
said kingdom of England, without impediment, molestation,
vexation, impeachment, or grievance of us, or any of our
heirs or successors; any statute, act, ordinance, or provision
to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding.
XI. Furthermore, that our subjects may be incited to
undertake this expedition with a ready and cheerful mind:
KNOW YE, that WE, of our especial grace, certain knowl-
edge, and mere motion, do, by the tenor of these presents,
give and grant, as well to the aforesaid baron of BALTIMORE,
and to his heirs, as to all other persons who shall from time
to time repair to the said province, either for the sake of in-
habiting, or of trading with the inhabitants of the province
aforesaid, full license to ship and lade in any the ports of us,
our heirs and successors, all and singular their goods, as well
movable as immovable, wares and merchandizes, likewise
grain of what sort soever, and other things whatsoever neces-
sary for food and clothing, by the laws and statutes of our
kingdoms and dominions, not prohibited to be transported
out of the said kingdoms; and the same to transport, by
themselves, or their servants or assigns, into the said PROVINCE,
without the impediment or molestation of US, our heirs or
successors, of any officers of US, our heirs or successors,
(SAYING UNTO us, our heirs and successors, the impo-
sitions, subsidies, customs, and other dues payable for
the same goods and merchandizes,) any statute, act, ordi-
nance or other thing whatsoever to the contrary notwith-
XII. But because, that in so remote a region, placed among
so many barbarous nations, the incursions, as well of the
barbarians themselves, as of other enemies, pirates and rava-
gers, probably will be feared, therefore WE have given, and
for US, our heirs and successors, do give by these presents,
as full and unrestrained power, as any captain, general of an
army ever hath had, unto the aforesaid now baron of BALTI-
MORE, and to his heirs and assigns, by themselves, or by
their captains or other officers, to summon to their standards,
or to array all men, of whatsoever condition, or wheresoever
born for the time being, in the said province of MARYLAND, to
wage war, and to pursue, even beyond the limits of their
province, the enemies and ravagers aforesaid, infesting those