SEC. 38. The Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas shall
have authority to issue within said city, all marriage and
other licenses required by Law, subject to such provisions
as are now or may be prescribed by Law. The Clerk of
the Superior Court of said city shall receive and record all
deeds, conveyances and other papers which are or may be
required by Law to be recorded in said city. He shall
also have custody of all papers connected with the proceed-
ings on the Law or Equity side of Baltimore County Court
and of the dockets thereof, so far as the same have relation
to the City of Baltimore, and shall also discharge the duties
of Clerk to the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, unless
otherwise provided by Law.
Amendment adopted at the General Election held November, 1893.
SEC. 39. The General Assembly shall, as often as it may
think the same proper and expedient, provide by Law for
the election of an additional Judge of the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City, and whenever provision is so made by
the General Assembly, there shall be elected by the voters
of said City another Judge of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City, who shall be subject to the same constitutional
provisions, hold his office for the same term of years,
receive the same compensation, and have the same *powers
as are, or shall be provided by the Constitution or Laws of
this State, for the Judges of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City, and the General Assembly may provide by
Laws, or the Supreme Bench by its rules, for requiring
causes in any of the Courts of Baltimore City to ~be tried
before the Court without a jury, unless the litigants or some
one of them shall within such reasonable time or times as
may be prescribed, elect to have their causes tried before a
jury. And the General Assembly may reapportion, change
or enlarge the jurisdiction of the several Courts in said city.
Part V. —Orphans' Court.
SEC. 40. The qualified voters of the City of Baltimore,
and of the several counties, shall on the Tuesday next after
the first Monday in November next, and on the same day
in every fourth year thereafter, elect three men to be
*Vide Engrossed bill.