It is required to furnish two free scholarships, one to a male and ona
to a female, to each of the Senatorial districts of the State, said scholar-
ships giving tuition, boarding, washing, fuel and lights free. These
scholars are selected by the school commissioners and the State Senator,
after a competitive examination conducted by the School Examiner of
each district. The scholarships may be held by the same person for four
years, and each person holding the same, gives bond to teach school in
the State for two years after graduation. All applications for these
scholarships must be made to the school commissioners of the district
in which the applicant resides. Apply to Dr. Thos. H. Lewis, President.
Aged Men and Women's Home of the Methodist Episcopal Churches of the
Washington Annual Conference of Baltimore (Jity receives $500 for the
year 1899 and $500 for the year 1900. (Chapter 323, 1898.;
It is located on the corner of Fulton avenue and Franklin street.
Its object is to give aged and needy members of the M. E. Church a
home. No one under sixty years admitted. Proper recommendations
required and the payment of $150. Apply to Barbara S. Winks, Corre-
sponding Secretary.
Baltimore City Hospital receives under chapter 328, 1898, $5,000 for the
year 1899 and $5,000 for the year 1900. It is located on North Calvert
street, near Pleasant.
It is required to furnish one bed, maintenance and treatment for one
patient at a time from each Senatorial district of the State, "during two
years from the date of the passage of this Act/' Apply to Sister Mary
Benedicta, Superior.
Baltimore Day Nursery receives under chapter 323,1898, $1,500 for the
year 1899 and $1,500 for the year 1900. It is located on Patterson Park
avenue and Gough street. Its object is to care for, during the day,
children whose parents are at work. Charges, per day, one child, five
cents; two children, seven cents; three children, ten cents. Apply to
Mrs. M. C. Paine, President.
Baltimore Humane Impartial Society and Aged Women's and Men's Home
receives $8,000 for the year 1H99 and $3,000 for the year 1900. (Chapter
323, 1898.) Apply to W. W. Spence, President, or Leigh Bonsai, Treas-
Baltimore Orphan Asylum receives under chapter 328, 1898, $1,000 for
the year 1899 and $1,000 for the year 1900. It is located at 215 North
Stricker street, Baltimore. Its object iethe physical, moral and intellec-
tual training of orphan children, and the securement of good positions
when they leave. All denominations. Terms of admission: The child
must have lost one or both parents, and must be five years of age, and
the girls must remain under the control of the institution until eighteen
years old, and the boys until twenty-one. Apply to Mrs. J. Appleton
Wilson, President.
Baltimore University School of Medicine, 21 to 29 North Bond street,
receives $1,000 for the year 1899 and $1,000 for the year 1UOO. (Chapter
323 1898.) It is required to furnish a free bed for each Senatorial dis-
trict; but tke institution has never limited the number of patients
received from the State. Apply to Prof. Bernard Purcell Muse, M. D.,
Dean, or to Prof. William Funck, M. D.
Boys' Home Society of Baltimore City receives under chapter 323,1898,
$1 000 for the year 1899 aud $1,000 for the year 1900. It is located at the
corner of Calvert and Pleasant streets. Any destitute or homeless boy
between the ages of nine and eighteen years may he admitted. Apply
to John H. Lynch, Superintendent.