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Maryland Manual, 1898
Volume 110, Page 87   View pdf image (33K)
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of said mills and branch following the middle prong of
said branch, to Meadow Bridge, on the road, dividing the
Counties of Somerset and Worcester, near the southwest
corner of farm of William P. Morris, thence due east to
the Pocomoke River, thence with the channel of said river
to the beginning; the Judges of Election, in each of said
districts, shall receive the ballots of each elector, voting at
said election, who has resided for six months preceding
said election within said limits, for or against a new County;
and the Return Judges of said election districts shall cer-
tify the result of such voting, in the manner now prescribed
by Law, to the Governor, who shall by proclamation make
known the same; and if a majority of the legal votes cast
within that part of Worcester County, contained within
said lines, and also a majority of the legal votes cast within
that part of Somerset County, contained within said line,
shall be in favor of a new County, then said parts of Wor-
cester and Somerset Counties shall become and constitute
a new County, to be called Wicomico County; and Salis-
bury shall be the County seat. And the inhabitants thereof
shall thenceforth have and enjoy all such rights and privi-
leges as are held and enjoyed by the inhabitants of the
other Counties of this State.

SEC. 3. When said new County shall have been so
created, the inhabitants thereof shall cease to have any
claim to, or interest in, the county buildings, and other
public property of every description, belonging to said
Counties of Somerset and Worcester, respectively, and shall
be liable for their proportionate shares of the then existing
debts and obligations of the said Counties, according to
the last assessment in said counties, to be ascertained and
apportioned by the Circuit Court for Somerset County, as
to the debts and obligations of said County, and by the
Circuit Court for Worcester County, on the debts and obli-
gations of Worcester County, on the petition of the County
Commissioners of the said Counties, respectively; and the
property in each part of the said Counties, included in said
new County, shall be bound only for the share of the debts
and obligations of the county from which it shall be sepa-
rated ; and the inhabitants of said new county shall also
pay the County taxes levied upon them at the time of the
creation of such new county, as if such new County had
not been created; and on the application of twelve citizens
of the proposed County of Wicomico, the Surveyor of


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Maryland Manual, 1898
Volume 110, Page 87   View pdf image (33K)
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