Co-operative Workers of Baltimore City. Receives under Chapter 333,
1898, $500 for the year 1899 and $500 for the year 1900. This society
maintains a summer boarding home for working women at Blue Ridge
Summit, Pa., called Vacation Lodge. Board $2.50 a week; stay limited
to two weeks.
Country Home for the Children of Baltimore receives under chapter 333,
1898, $1,000 for the year 1899 and $1,000 for the year 1900. Apply to
Romaine Le Moyne, President, or Miss E. L. Clark, 835 Hamilton Ter-
race, Baltimore.
Faculty of Physic of the University of Maryland receives 15,000 for the
year 1899 and $5000 for the year 1900. The University is located on the
corner of Lombard and Greene streets, Baltimore. The further sum of
$15,000 is appropriated for the purpose of furnishing and equipping the
hospital connected with the above institution; provided, that the said
Baltimore Infirmary shall furnish one bed, maintenance and treatment for
one patient at a time, for each Senatorial district of the State, during two
years from the date of the passage of this Act ; provided that the hos-
pital shall furnish to the Comptroller satisfactory evidence that it has so
received, maintained and treated all patients free of charge sent to them
under the provisions of this Act, in consideration of the sum of money
hereby appropriated and payable. (Chapter 328,1898.) Apply to St.
Clair Spruill, M. D., Superintendent.
General German Orphan Asylum of Baltimore City receives under
chapter 323. 1898, $2,500 for the year 1899 and $2,560 for the year 1900.
It is located on Aisquith street, south of Orleans, Baltimore. Its object
is to care for and educate destitute children. Boys and girls of any
nationality from two to ten years of age are admitted, and are sent to the
. public schools, and taught German and English. The girls are taught
sewing and household work and the boys given trades. Apply to John
W. Claussen, Treasurer.
General German Aged People's Home of Baltimore City, under chapter
323, 1898, receives $1,500 for the year 1899, and $1,500 for the year 1900.
It is located on the corner of Baltimore and Payson streets, Baltimore.
Its object is to give permanent homes to aged men and women of Balti-
more without regard to nationality. None under sixty received. Ad-
mission fee from $150 to $300, according to age. No stipulated number
received from the State. Apply to Mary Lang, Matron.
Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association, under chapter 323, 1898,
receives $2,500 for the year 1899 and $3,500 for the year 1900. It is
located on Monument and Ann streets, Baltimore. Its object is to give
surgical and medical service and care to the sick, and a permanent home
for the destitute. It is non-sectarian. For admission apply to the phy-
sician in charge for a certificate to the directors. Free to residents of
Maryland who are unable to pay board.
Hebrew Orphan Asylum of Baltimore City under chapter 323, 1898,
receives $2,000 for the year 1899 and $2,000 for the year 1900. It is
located on Rayner Avenue, Calverton Heights. Children of any denom-
ination between the ages of 4 and 12 are received. Apply to S. Freud-
enthal, Superintendent.
Hollywood Children's Summer Some receives $500 for the year 1899
and $500 for the year 1900. (Chapter 323, 1898.) Apply to Laura Sin-
clair Matthews, Treasurer, 1608 Mt, Royal avenue, Baltimore
Home for Confederate Mothers and Children, receives $3.000 for the year
1899 and $3,000 for the year 1900. (Chapter 323, 1898.) It is located at
3101 St. Paul street, Baltimore. Its object is to provide a home for the
widows and children of Confederate soldiers. Apply to Mrs. John K.
Cowen, 2327 N. Charles street, Baltimore.
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