Wilmer D. Thompson was born in December, 1865, being
a son of the late John Thompson, of Fair Hill. He was
educated at the public schools, and at the age of 17 went as
a blacksmith's apprentice. For the past ten years he has
been one of the head wheelwrights and machinists at Provi-
dence Paper Mills. He has never before been a candidate,
although always an active Democrat. He was elected
member of the House of Delegates in 1897.
Dr. John H. Jenness is a practising physidan of Rising
Sun. He was born in the sixth district in 1863, and has
made his home there since. He is a graduate of St. John's
College and of the medical department of the University of
Maryland. He was elected member of the House of Dele-
gates in 1897.
JAS. DEB. WALBACH, G., Republican.
•James DeB. Walbach, G., was born in Charles county
in 1863, and is a son of the late T. Elzare Gardiner. In
1885 Mr. Walbach changed his name, assuming the maiden
name of his mother—Walbach. He was educated at Rock
Hill College, and taught school in his native county. Sub-
sequently he read law and was admitted to the bar in 1891.
On his first entrance into the political arena he was a Demo-
crat, but he changed his political affiliations and has since
been connected with the organization which is now doing
him honor. He was elected member of the House of Dele-
gates in 1897.
Francis Albert Hicks represents the younger element of
the Republican party in the lower house of the General
Assembly of Maryland as a delegate from Charles county.
He is a grandson of the late J. Levi Hicks, who was one of
the five voters in that county who supported Abraham
Lincoln when he first ran for the presidency, and was born
on March 12, 1872. Delegate Hicks was educated in the
public schools of diaries county, and at an early age was a
clerk in a country store, He has been an active Repub-