life, and has been a member of the Republican State
Central Committee, he has never before, held public office,
or been a candidate. He was elected member of the
House of Delegates in 1897.
JAMES W. TAYLOR, Democrat.
Mr. Taylor was born October 23, 1839, in Howard county,
near Laurel. He moved to Carroll more than 50 years
ago. He enlisted as a private soldier in the Third Maryland
Regiment, serving 10 years as a member of Company G,
and was in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg,
besides several smaller engagements. He was honorably
discharged, and returned to his home in the Fourth dis-
trict of Carroll, and engaged in merchandising until 18
years ago, when he became a farmer and has since pursued
that calling successfully. He was educated in the public
schools. He was elected member of the House of Dele-
gates in 1897.
Daniel J. Hesson is in his 37th year. He was born
February 26, 1861, in Adams county, Pa., and worked on
his father's farm until he readied the age of 20 years,
going to a public school during the winter months. In the
spring of 1888, be entered a dry goods house in Taneytown
as a clerk and salesman, where he continued three years.
He then married, and started a general merchandise store
at Harney, which he conducted successfully. He held the
office of postmaster at Harney during President Cleveland's
last term. He was elected member of the House of Dele-
gates in 1897.
Alpheus Stansbury enjoys the distinction of being the
only Republican elected from Carroll to the House in 1897.
He was born near Hempstead in 1849. His education was
received in the public schools. He was a young man when
he became the first enlisted soldier from his neighborhood
us a member of Cole's Maryland Cavalry, with which he
continued three years. He became a sergeant and was