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Maryland Manual, 1898
Volume 110, Page 108   View pdf image (33K)
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The following days have been established in Maryland as
Bank Holidays: *

1. New Year's Day, January 1st.

2. Washington's Birthday, February 22(1.

3. Decoration Day, May 30th.

4. Independence Day, July 4th.

5. Christmas Day, December 25th.

6. Good Friday.

7. General Election Day.

8. Congressional Election Day.

9. All special days that may be appointed or recommen-
ded by the Governor of this State or the President of the
United States as days of thanksgiving, fasting and prayer,
or other religious observance, or for the general cessation
of business.
10. Sundays.


Labor's Holiday, first Monday in September.
By an Act of the Congress of the United States, approved
June 28th, 1894, it was enacted that the first Monday of
September, in each year, being the day celebrated and
known as Labor's Holiday, was made a legal public holiday,
to all intents and purposes, in the same manner as Christ-
mas, the first day of January, the twenty-second day of
February, the thirtieth day of May and the fourth day of
July are by law public holidays.

The Governor of Maryland, by virtue of authority vested
in him under Article 13, section 9 of the Code, may declare
and proclaim the first Monday in September a legal holiday,
and recommend its observance by the general cessation of


September 12th, known as "Defenders'" Day, is a munici-
pal holiday in Baltimore city, in memory of the successful
resistance of British invasion in 1814.


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Maryland Manual, 1898
Volume 110, Page 108   View pdf image (33K)
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