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Maryland Manual, 1898
Volume 110, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY— House of Delegates.

*Hugh R. Riley, D., 3,475. John Bowie, R., 3,343.
*B. R. Anderson, D., 3,472. John P. Morrissey, R., 3,838.
*B. Allein Welch, D., 3,467. Franklin Mewshaw, P , 218.
*Peter Potee, D., 3,450. Francis M. Byrd, P., 193.
Dennis Claude, H., 3,364. Nathaniel Hatch, P., 187.
Geo. W. Dnvall, R., 3,359. John W. Armiger, P., 187.

BALTIMORE CITY.—State Senator from Second Legislative Dulrict.

*Lewis Putzell, R., 16,644. Mark Day, P., 403.
J. Pembroke Thorn, D., 13,844. Samuel S. Field, 101.

House of Delagates— First Legislative District.

*Wm. F. Pentz R., 16,523. Clinton F. Parker, P., 396.
*T. A. Robinson, R„ 16,584. Benj. F. Lewis, P., 393.
*A. A. Baldwin. R„ 16,523. Geo. H. Biddison, P., 888.
*Frank H. Quast, R„ 16,515. Harry G. Revier, P., 888.
*E. H. Jacobi, R., 16,514. Clias. A. Davids, P., 887.
*C. T. Soudder, R., 16,513. Addison M. Sellers, P., 384.
Wm. J. Garrett, D„ 15,557. Thos. C. Weeks, Jef. D , 133.
John N. Vieweg, D., 15,545. Wm. J. Bangs, Jef. D„ 127.
Jas. W. Shimmick, D„ 15,344. J. B. Sutherland, Jef. D„ 126.
R.E. Gerhardt, D., 15,540. F. J. Schultz, Jef. D., 126,
John Moylan, D„ 15,531. M. D. Mettee, of C, Jef. D„ 128.
Sigmund Dengler, D., 15,322. A. Pogorelskin, Jef. D., 120.

House of Delegates— Second Legislative District. •

*Chaa. M. Short, R., 16,830. Henry W. Walker, P., 477.
*0scar L. Quinlan, R., 16,804. Wm. W. Maxwell, P., 473.
*W. B. Jenkins, R., 16,790. Richard Hy. Hoime, P., 473.
*Upton S. Gosnell, R., 16,777. Harry E. Gilbert, P„ 472.
*Edw. DoLacour, R., 16,771. Bernard T. Bowen, F,, 471.
*H. J. Halbert, R., 16,703. Isaac H. Davis, P., 464.
0. W. Heuisler, D., 13,699. Dan. E. Munroe, Jef. D„ 125.
Geo. C. Thomas, D„ 13,883. Frank Driscoll, Jef. D., 116.
Wm. R. Griffith, D., 13,661. Jacob 0. Foltz, Jef. D., 112.
A. H. Taylor, D„ 13,B58. H. F. Henderson, Jef. D., Ill,
Chas. 0. Stieff, D„ 13,652. A. A. Huntley, Jef. D„ III.
Wm. F. Porter, D„ 13,643. Thomas Turner, 110.

House of Delegates— Third Legislative District.

*Lewis Schaefer, R., 22,073. Daniel A. Moffett, P., 654.
•Wm. J. James, R., 22,049. Robert Anderson, P., 653.
*P. H. Lenderking, R., 22,046. W. T. 8. Showacre, P., 650.
*Benj. L. Turner, R„ 22,039. Hy. M, Foster, P., 650.
*Edw. F. Tolson, R., 22,031. L. Nesbaum, P., 644.
*Chas. R. Schirm, R., 28,021. Wm. J. Plummer, P., 643.
E. 0. Eicholborger, D., 16,066. E 0. Wollman, Jef. D., 107.
Chas T. Mitchell, D., 16,947. W. E. Beverage, Jef. D„ 149.
Geo. T. Fowler, D„ 16,942. Wm. S. Peters, Jef. D„ 148.
Chas P. Vogt, D., 16,940. F. C. Durchhausen, Jef. D„ 147.
A. J. Robinson, D„ 16,984. Henry R. Hall, Jef. D., 146.
John S. J. Healy, D„ 16,899. (One vacancy on ticket.)

Those marked * were elected.


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Maryland Manual, 1898
Volume 110, Page 103   View pdf image (33K)
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