a convention until the nomination for State Treasurer.
He is on the board of the State Insane Asylum, vice-
president of the House of Correction, and is connected
with the Maryland Agricultural College.
WILLIAM 0. MITCHELL, Commissioner of the Land
Office :
William 0. Mitchell, the present Land Commissioner
for Maryland, was born near Cornersville, Dorchester
county, Maryland, December 21st, 1847. He is the son of
John and Margaret C. Mitchell. His mother was Miss
White, daughter of Hannah and. John White, of Port
Deposit, Cecil county, Md., and was married to John
Mitchell in 1843. John Mitchell, his father, was the only
son of Michael and Kittie Mitchell, nee Phillips. The
Mitchell family is one of the oldest in the State, having
lived for more than two hundred years in Dorchester
county. William 0. Mitchell lived and worked on a farm
until lie was fourteen years old, when he was sent to
Washington College. After being there three years he
left and entered the Quartermaster's Department on South
Gay street, under Captain R. M. Newport. After three
months service there he entered the Provost Marshall's
office in Wilmington, Del., under the late Col. Edwin
Wilmer, and served until the war ended) when he engaged
in the dry goods business and other pursuits in Balti-
more city until 1875, when ho removed to Cambridge and
read law under the present Judge Lloyd of the First
Judicial District, and was admitted to the bar in 1880,
since which time he has been a member of the Cambridge
bar in full practice. When Judge Lloyd became Gover-
nor, succeeding McLane, he appointed Mitchell as Colonel
and aide-de-camp on his staff, a most fitting tribute to a
friend, as Col. Mitchell was the first Republican appointed
to a similar position since the adoption of the present
Constitution. Colonel Mitchell was appointed Land Com-
missioner by Governor Lowndes on the last night of the
session of the Legislature of 1896, and was at once con-
firmed, the name of Hon. Philip D. Laird having been
previously sent in and failed of confirmation. Col.
Mitchell is not a member of any church, but thinks more
of his mother's religion than any other, she being a
Friend. In politics Col. Mitchell is a Republican of the
strictest faith, and has been one all his life, and has done
an immense amount of campaign work for his party.