afterwards he was nominated by the Republicans for
State's Attorney for Dorchester, to which office he was elec-
ted. In 1895, he was re-elected by an increased majority.
Last September he was nominated by the Republican
State Convention for Comptroller, and was elected in
November. Since living in Cambridge he has started a
newspaper, The Dorchester Standard, which is pronounced
one of the best local papers in the State.
Attorney-General: HARRY M. CLABAUGH, of West-
minster, Carroll county.
Harry M. Clabaugh, who was chosen in November,
1895, as Attorney-General, is well known in all parts of
Maryland. He has gained a name for himself at the bar
and in politics. He was born at Cumberland, July 16th,
1856, and lived there until 1862, when his father, the late
G. W. Clabaugh, moved his family to Baltimore city, and
then, in 1873, to Carroll county. Mr. Clabaugh was sent
to the Pennsylvania College, at Gettysburg, and graduated
from there in 1877. In the following year he graduated
in law from the University of Maryland, having taken
the two-year course in a year. He read law with Mr.
Bernard Carter, in Baltimore, and entered upon the prac-
tice of his profession in Baltimore, but, on the death of
his father in 1880, he removed to Carroll county, where
he has since lived a lawyer and a farmer. Mr. Clabaugh
has been active and prominent on the Republican side of
politics in Maryland. He was a delegate to the national
convention at Chicago in 1884, which nominated James
G. Blaine for the Presidency. A year or two later he was
the nominee for the State Senate from Carroll county,
but was defeated by Pinkney J. Bennett. After the se-
lection of Hon. William J. Vannort as Republican candi-
date for Governor in 1891, Mr. Clabaugh was unanimously
chosen chairman of the Republican State Central Com-
mittee of Maryland. He was re-elected four years ago,
and had an active share in directing the movements of
the party leading up to the nomination convention of
1899. Senators: ARTHUR P. GORMAN, of Laurel, Howard
1903. GEORGE L. WELLINGTON, of Cumberland, Allegany