Maryland Manual for 1897-8.
Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Attorney
General, and Members of the General
Assembly of Maryland.
Governor of Maryland: LLOYD LOWNDES, of Cum-
berland, Allegany county.
Lloyd Lowndes, of Maryland, was born in Clarksburg,
West Virginia, February 21st, 1845. His father and
grandfather before him were prominent men of this State,
and the Lowndes family has been identified with the
interests of Western Maryland almost from its settle-
ment. Mr. Lowndes was educated in the academy at
Clarksburg, in Washington College, Washington, Penn-
sylvania, and in Alleghany College, Meadville, Pennsyl-
vania, having graduated from the last-named institution
in 1865. Shortly afterward he began the study of law
in Philadelphia, and in 1867 was graduated from the law
school of the University of Pennsylvania. Upon his
graduation he settled in Cumberland, and soon acquired
a large and lucrative practice. His thorough knowledge
of the fundamental principles of constitutional law, and
his great personal popularity made him a most desirable
candidate for congressional honors, and, at the urgent
request of the leaders of the Republican party, he ac-
cepted the nomination for Congress, and went into the
campaign of 1872, and was elected over the Hon. John
Ritchie, of Frederick county, the Democratic nominee,
by the majority of 1,700. In this fight, Mr. Lowndes
threw all that energetic and persistent application which
had characterized his work at school, the college, the uni-
versity, and while practicing at the bar, and the " forlorn
hope " led by him at that time was right gallantly won,
and showed a reversal of 3,200 votes, his antagonist
having been elected two years before by a majority of