Anne's and Talbot; third, Talbot and Dorchester ; fourth,
Wicomico ; fifth, Somerset ; sixth, Anne Arundel ; seventh,
St. Mary's, Calvert and Charles.
The board is directed lo arm the steamer and vessels
term of office of commanders and deputies, two years ;
they are punished for collusion with violators of the law ;
they are removable for neglect or incompetency; the
board fills vacancies' the deputy commander in charge of
steamer is to keep constantly on duty; the deputy com-
manders of the sloops are ordinarily to keep themselves
to their districts; the salary of the commander is $1,500 ;
bond of commanders, $10,000; bond of deputy comman-
ders, $3,000, to be approved by one of the judges of the
Circuit Courts, and to be filed with the Comptroller;
salary of deputy commander in charge of steamer, $1,000,
and he appoints one officer at a salary of $600, an engi-
neer at $800, an assistant at $500, two seamen at $25 a
month, one steward and one cook each at $20 a month ;
the deputy commanders in charge of sloops have a salary
of $800, and they each appoint one officer at $550, four
seamen at a salary of $49 per month during oyster season,
$30 the balance of the year; they are to be selected from
the districts in which they serve ; deputy commanders
are to watch diligently and guard the oyster grounds,
and arrest parties dredging unlawfully; they must en-
force the law relating to fish : deputy commanders must
visit at least once in two weeks, between the 1st of May
and 1st of October, the tributaries and streams of their
respective districts; the commander is to have control of
the force under the supervision of the Board of Public
Works ; he is to plant oysters and inspect shipping ar-
ticles of crew on oyster boats. (Article 72, of the Code.)
Commander of State Fishery Force.—Duty of, to enforce
Act of 1896, ch. 441, relating to fishing.
State's Attorney.—He shall prosecute and defend in
behalf of the State ; he shall order execution for fines and
penalties ; he may, in cases where recognizances to prose-
cute have been entered into and before presentment and
indictment, compromise, with the consent of the court,
the accused and the party injured, all cases of assault
and battery ; he shall aid the Comptroller to adjust the
accounts of clerks, sheriffs and registers ; in making out
his accounts for fees the State's Attorney must enter
into particulars; County Commissioners may allow ad-