Corporations may be formed under the general incor-
poration Act; but shall not be created by special Act,
except for municipal purposes, and except in cases where
no general laws exist, providing for the creation of cor-
porations of the same general character as the corpora-
tion proposed to be created; and any Act of incorpora-
tion, passed in violation of this provision, is void. All
charters granted, or adopted, in pursuance of section 48,
AT tide III, Constitution, and all charters heretofore
granted and created, subject to repeal or modification,
may be altered from time to time, or be repealed; pro-
vided, nothing herein contained shall be construed to
extend to banks) or the incorporation thereof. (Article
III, section 48, Constitution.)
The General Assembly has a power to regulate, not in-
consistent with the Constitution, all matters relating to
the Judges of Election, time, place and manner of holding
elections, and of making returns thereof. (Article III,
section 49, Constitution.)
Bribery of, or the attempt to bribe any member or
officer of the Legislature, is punishable by a fine of not
less than $100, nor more than $5,000, or, in the discretion
of the Court, by imprisonment in the penitentiary, from
two to twelve years, or both by fine or imprisonment,,
and any person so bribing shall also be forever disfran-
chised and disqualified from holding any office of trust
or profit in the State. (Acts of 1868, chapter 369, sec-
tion 1.)
No money can be appropriated by the Legislature out of
the treasury for the payment of any private claim by the
State exceeding the sum of three hundred dollars, unless
said claim shall have been first presented to the Comp-
troller of the Treasury, together with the proofs upon
which the same is founded, and reported upon by him.
(Article III, section 52, Constitution.)
The General Assembly has power to declare a witness
incompetent on account of race or color. (Article III,
section 53, Constitution.)
No county of the State can contract a debt, or give its
credit to an organization or corporation, except with the
consent of the General Assembly ; and after said debtor
credit is given the General Assembly must approve by a
majority of each house of members elected, to make such
debt or credit valid. (Article III, section 54, Constitu-