Nominations for vacancies in offices, filled by the Governor,
during the session of the Senate, shall be made before the ad-
journment of the Senate, unless such vacancy occurs within ten
days of final adjournment. (Article II, section 14, Constitution. )
The Governor may suspend, or arrest any military officer of
the State for disobedience of orders, or other military offence,
and may remove him in pursuance of the sentence of a court-
martial, and may remove for incompetency, or misconduct, all
civil officers who received appointments from the executive for
a term of years. (Article II, section 15, Constitution. )
Extra sessions of the Legislature, or Senate alone, shall be con-
vened by the Governor on extraordinary occasions, and, if from
any. cause the seat of government becomes unsafe for the Legisla-
ture, he may direct some other convenient place than the capital
for the session to be held. (Article II, section 16, Constitution. )
The veto power is vested with the Governor. When he refuses
his approval to a bill, he must state his objections to the House in
which the bill originated. Three-fifths of both Houses are re-
quired to pass a bill over the Governor's veto. He has six days,
(Sundays excepted, ) in which to consider a bill; otherwise it
becomes a law without his signature. An adjournment of the
Legislature before the six days expire from the time the bill was
presented to him, does not affect the right of the Governor to
veto a bill so presented to him. (Article II, section 17, Constitu-
tion. )
The Treasurer and Comptroller are to be examined under oath
by the Governor, every six months, as to the condition of their
accounts. (Article II, section 18, Constitution. )
Recommendations of measures shall be made by the Governor
from time to time to the Legislature. (Article II, section 19,
Constitution. )
Pardons and reprieves, except in cases of impeachment and
conviction of bribery, or receiving bribes at elections, and re-
mission of fines for offences against the State, may be granted
by the Governor. A. nolle prosequi or pardon, before being
granted, shall be published in one or more newspapers, and the
petitions, recommendations and reasons which influenced his
decision, shall be reported to either branch of the Legislature
when required. (Article I, section 3, Article II, section 20, Con-
stitution. )
The residence of the Governor shall be at the seat of govern-
ment. His annual salary shall be $4, 500. (Article II, section
21, Constitution. )
The Governor's oath is prescribed by Article I, section 6,