ST. MARY'S COUNTY. —2 Members.
John S. Jones.
John S. Jones, a representative of St. Mary's in the House of
Delegates for the second time, is a native of the county and his
family connection is one of the most numerous in that section.
Mr. Jones is a resident of the eighth St. Mary's district. He is
a farmer and an original Republican.
He is a member of the committee on inspections, on civil ser-
vice, on committee on Chesapeake bay and its tributaries, on
committee on internal improvements.
William F. Chesley.
William F. Chesley, of Charlotte Hall, is a son of the Rev.
J. W. Chesley, of the Episcopal Church. William F. Chesley
is also on his second term as a Delegate. He was originally a
Democrat, but left that party about 1888.
He is a member of the committee on organization, on claims,
on elections, on militia.
Oliver P. Byrd.
Oliver P. Byrd, Republican, is a native of Crisfield, having
been born in that town thirty-nine years ago. He was educated
at the public schools in Crisfield, and is now successfully en-
gaged in packing oysters in Crisfield district. He has been three
times honored by the Republican party with the nomination for
the House of Delegates. In 1891 he was nominated and de-
feated with his entire ticket; again nominated in 1893, when he
was successful; and in the present year, when he was re-elected.
He is a member of the committee on organization, chairman
of committee on internal improvements, on immigration.
Maurice W. Carew.
Maurice N. Carew, Republican, is twenty-five years of age,
having been born at Dame's Quarter, Maryland, in 1870. Since
reaching manhood he has been extensively and successfully en-
gaged in the oyster trade. He has been active in his party since
reaching his majority, and has always been an earnest advocate
of good government and in favor of removing the spoils system
from politics as much as possible.
He is a member of committee on elections, on manufactures,
on contingent fund, railroads and canals.