He is a member of the committee on public buildings, on
hygiene, on engrossed bills.
Josiah J. Hutton.
Mr. Hutton was born in Montgomery county in 1S50, and
was educated in the Brookeville and Howard county academies.
He is a farmer, and it is the first time he has held an office.
He is a member of the committee on claims, on printing, on.
contingent fund, on library, on immigration.
Edward J. Chiswell.
Mr. Edward J. Chiswell was born in Montgomery county in
1836. His ancestors resided there for several generations. He
was educated in the public schools and is a farmer in Poolesville
district. He comes of a Democratic family and has always been
a Democrat himself, though not an active worker. He was
three years in the Confederate Army, serving in the 35th
Battalion of Virginia Cavalry, then called White's, formerly
Ashby's Brigade, under Gen. Thos. L. Rosser. Mr. Chiswell
was in the Brandy Station tight, in the Wilderness battle, at
Gettysburg, and in the conflicts of the campaign of 1863 and
1864. He was wounded in the thigh in a fight in the valley of
Virginia, October 19, 1864, and in the arm, at the battle of the
Five Forks. He was brevet second lieutenant and in command
of his company for nearly a year; of the three other officers,
two were in prison, and one was wounded.
Mr. Chiswell is a member of the committees on re-valuation
and re-assessment, and member of the committee on corporations.
M. F. Schooley.
Millard Fillmore Schooley, of the House of Delegates, Repub-
lican, was born March 9, 1856, near Highland, Howard county,
but a few miles from Laurel, his present home. He was a farmers
boy and educated at the public school of his district until he
arrived at his majority. He engaged in milling for nine years,
and moved to Laurel in 1887, where he started the business which
has now grown into the trading house of Schooley & Tighe.
Until 1887 Mr. Schooley was a Democrat. That year he
became a Republican on the protection issue.
He is a member of the committee on Chesapeake bay and its
tributaries, on printing, on labor, member of committee on pen-