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Maryland Manual, 1896
Volume 108, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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effective worker in the interest of La Plata for the county seat
last June, and his support went a great way toward rolling up
the big vote for that location in the remote western section of
the county at the special election. Mr. Norman has several
times been the candidate of the Republican party for local
offices, and each time made a handsome vote. He was collector
of taxes for the first collection district of Charles county in
1890-1. He is a farmer and is also engaged in running a fishery
on the Potomac near his home. He was elected a member of
the Republican central committee for Charles county last sum-
mer as a recognition of the La Plata element in his party, which
position he still holds.

He is a member of committee on printing, on inspections, on
corporations, on Chesapeake bay and its tributaries.

Speaker Mudd is the second member. A sketch of the
Speaker heads the list of biographies of members of the House
of Delegates.


William D. Hopkins.

William D. Hopkins is a resident of Cambridge, and is en-
gaged in merchandising. His father, William Hopkins, has long
been one of the wealthiest citizens of the county, and the family
history can be traced back to revolutionary times. Mr. Hopkins
is forty-nine years of age, and is in no wise a partisan. He has
never before held office, but has always been a consistent, con-
servative Republican. He owns a large number of town lots in
the northern part of Cambridge, the improvement of which
claims part of his attention. He is a very highly esteemed

He is a member of committee on roads and highways, on.
public buildings, on committee on section 24, Article 3, of the
Constitution, on public roads, on amendments to the Constitu-
tion, on public records.

Charles M. Wingate.

Charles M. Wingate is postmaster at Wingate's post office, in
Straits district, and keeps a general store. He is thirty-four years
of age. He has always supported the Republican party and
ranks high in his party councils. He resides in the oyster sec-
tion of the county. He received a larger vote than any other
candidate on his ticket.


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Maryland Manual, 1896
Volume 108, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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