the last election. Mr. Lewis made a good record in the Legis-
lature. He is a prominent Methodist of Denton. He married
Miss Jennie Voss, of Delaware, in 1882.
Mr. Lewis is the recognized leader of the Democratic minority
in the House, and is alert and fearless in debate, and as prompt
in his voting wherever he believes the right is. He is a man of
recognized ability, " with the courage of his convictions. "
He is a member of committee on judiciary, on amendments to
the Constitution, on ways and means.
Dr. Joseph C. Clark.
Dr. Joseph Clements Clark, who was elected on the Democratic
ticket to the Legislature from Caroline county, was born in
Talbot county in 1858. His father died when he was a child,
and his mother moved to a farm near Concord, where the son
attended the public schools until he was fourteen years of age.
He was awarded a free scholarship at St. John's College, where
he spent three years. He then studied medicine in the Maryland
University, from which school he was graduated in 1880. He
located at Federalsburg for the practice of his profession, where
he has since resided. He has been exceptionally successful, and
has now an extensive practice. He was elected county health
officer, and has served for four years with marked efficiency. He
has prepared several papers on "Malaria, " "Diphtheria" and
kindred subjects, which have demonstrated his skill in treating
such cases. He married Miss Mollie Greer shortly after he
located in Federalsburg. For five years he has been grand in-
spector of Masons. In the late election Dr. Clark received the
greatest number of votes cast for any candidate. This is the first
time he ever was a candidate for a public office.
He is a member of the committee on Chesapeake bay and its
tributaries, on public buildings, on public hygiene, on library.
Dr. Clotworthy Birnie.
Dr. Clotworthy Birnie, Republican, is a resident of Taney-
town. He was born on the 13th of January, 1843, at Glen
Birnie, Uniontown district. He received his education from his
father, Mr. Roger Birnie, who, at that time, taught a select
school. He studied the classics and mathematics with the Rev.
W. B. Scarborough, at that time pastor of the Presbyterian
Church at Taneytown. Dr. Birnie's early life was spent in
farming, but he gave that up to accept a position as teacher.
He then studied medicine, and graduated from the medical