Election Clerk:
ALLAN B. SPIER, of Allegany County.
CARL HARDY, of Howard County.
SAMUEL W. BROOKS, of Anne Arundel County.
Comptroller of the Treasury.
ROBERT P. GRAHAM, of Salisbury, Wicomico County.
Robert P. Graham, Comptroller, is the son of Col. S. A.
Graham, well known for many years in Eastern Shore political
circles. He was born in Salisbury, April 7th, 1867, and is,
therefore, in his twenty-ninth year. Mr. Graham received his
early education in the excellent public schools of Salisbury, and
later passed through the Johns Hopkins University with credit.
In 1888, Mr. Graham was graduated from the Maryland Univer-
sity School of Law, and at once began the practice of his pro-
fession in Salisbury. His practice in the courts of the lower
Eastern Shore counties is extensive, and he has been successfully
engaged in some important cases.
Mr. Graham has held no public office, but has been actively
identified with the Republican party.
HARRY M. CLABAUGH, of Westminster, Carroll County.
Harry M. Clabaugh, who was chosen in November, 1895, as
Attorney-General, though not yet forty years of age, is well
known in all parts of Maryland. He has gained a name for
himself at the bar and in politics, and has been active in State
and county affairs almost from boyhood. He was born at Cum-
berland, July 16th, 1856, and lived there until 1862, when his
father, the late G. W. Clabaugh. moved his family to Baltimore
city, and then, in 1873, to Carroll county.
Mr. Clabaugh was sent to the Pennsylvania College, at Gettys-
burg, and graduated from there in 1877. In the following year
he graduated in law from the University of Maryland, having
taken the two-year course in a year. He read law with Mr.
Bernard Carter, in Baltimore city, and entered upon the practice
of his profession in Baltimore, but on the death of his father in
1880, he removed to Carroll county, where he has since lived a
lawyer and a farmer, on one of the handsomest estates in the