the Seventh "Ward Republican Association for nine or ten years,
being an officer of that association. He has never held a political
office before. He was a candidate for the First Branch City
Council from the seventh ward in 1893, and was defeated. He is
married and has five children, and resides at 1621 North Broad-
He is a member of committee on manufactures, on pensions,
on public hygiene, on internal improvements.
Second Legislative District—Six Members.
George H. Mason, Jr.
Delegate George H. Mason, Jr., Republican, of the second
legislative district, was born in Baltimore in 1865 and educated
in the public schools. He is a printer by trade, and has been en-
gaged in the composing-room of a newspaper. Recently he
went with his father in the butter business, and is now engaged
in that business on his own account. He is a nephew of Sheriff
S. R. Mason, of Baltimore city. Mr. Mason lives in the eighth
ward. He has always been a Republican, and is a member of
Greenmount Methodist Episcopal Church, where he is choir
leader. He is unmarried.
He is a member of the committee on Chesapeake bay and its
tributaries, on expiring laws, chairman committee on insolvencies,
on library.
Lewis Putzel.
Lewis Putzel was born in the city of Baltimore on the 16th of
December, 1866. He received his education in the public
schools, graduating from the Baltimore City College with honor
in 1885. His legal education was obtained at the law school of
the University of Maryland, from which institution he graduated
near the head of his class in 1888, carrying off the thesis prize,
awarded him for writing the best legal disquisition. In 1892 he
formed a law partnership with Hugo Steiner, under the name of
Steiner & Putzel. Mr. Putzel is a thorough believer in the prin-
ciples of the National Republican party and an enthusiastic
advocate of civil-service reform.
He is a member of committee on claims, on ways and means,
on amendments to the Constitution, chairman of committee on
civil service.
Lindley M. Huggins.
Lindley M. Huggins, Republican, of the second legislative
district of Baltimore, was born in Baltimore July 1, 1862. His
parents are Ambrose L. and Mary A. Huggins. He was educated
at the public schools, Friends' High School and Johns Hopkins