position of president. This position he has held until the present
time. In 1883, he was married in Baltimore to Miss Alice
Barnes, of Sykesville. Their home is No. 1419 Lafayette
avenue. He is president of the Twentieth Ward Republican
Club and one of the governors of the Young Men's Republican
Club. He is also a member of the Republican State Central
Committee, and is the executive of the third legislative district.
This is his first political office.
He is on the committee on elections, on sanitary condition of
State, on committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Constitution,
on committee on temperance, on committee on insurance, fidelity,
security and loan companies, on committee on re-valuation and
Senator D. Hopper Emory.
D. Hopper Emory, Republican, Senator from Baltimore county,
was born in Centreville, Queen Anne's county, in 1841. He is a
on of the late Judge D. C. H. Emory. Shortly after his birth
the family removed to Baltimore, and Mr. Emory has lived in
the city and in the county ever since. He was educated in the
public schools, at Newton Academy and at the Rugby Institute
at Mount Washington, and was also a private pupil of Dr. Edwin
Arnold. He studied law with his father, Judge Emory, and was
admitted to practice about twenty-five years ago in the Superior
Court. He was for about fifteen years commissioner of chancery
in the Baltimore County Court, the only public office he ever
held. He has been frequently upon the Republican ticket in
the county, however, for judge, for State's attorney and other
offices—his misfortune being that Baltimore county was a demo-
cratic stronghold.
He is on committee on education, on committee on engrossed
bills, on committee on library, on committee on public buildings
in Annapolis, on committee on Article 3, section 24, of the Con-
stitution, on committee on re-valuation and assessment.
Senator John James Brooke Bond.
The Senator from Calvert county, John J. B. Bend, Demo-
crat, was a member of the school board at the time of his
election to the Senate, having filled that position for nearly six
years, and was a part of the time its president. When the war
Broke out he left college, went south and entered the Confederate
service. After the war he married Miss Tongue, of Anne Arundel