annual estimate of expenses of police department to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore city. The Board consists of
three members, elected at the joint meeting of the General
Assembly by ballot; term, six years; bond $10, 000 each, to be
approved by the Judge of the Superior Court of Baltimore city,
and to be recorded by clerk of said court. Salary, $2, 500 each.
Hold office until successors are elected, appointed and qualified;
as their term of office expires, their successors are to be elected.
No special time set for the election; only to be filled as the terms
expire. Acts of 1874, chapter 2, volume 1, P. L. L., page 510.
Presidential Electors. —The State elects Presidential Electors
on the first Tuesday next after the first Monday of November
preceding the time fixed by law of the United States for choice
of President and Vice-President of the United States. There
shall be elected by general ticket as many electors of President
and Vice-President as the State may be entitled to. (At present
eight. ) The Governor is to determine by lot a tie vote. Persons
qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly may vote
for Presidential Electors; the electors may fill any vacancy in
their number; they shall vote for President on the first Monday
in December in the year in which they are appointed; the Gov-
ernor shall make proclamation of the returns. Articles 5, 33,
41, of the Code.
Registers of Voters. —Shall qualify by taking the oath of
affirmation prescribed by the Constitution; term of office shall
be from first Monday in May after appointment, for two years, or
until removed for cause; for failure to qualify, or failure to do
duty after qualification, liable to fine of $500. Must register the
names of persons registering and such facts as required by law,
in a book furnished for that purpose; must enter in book of
registry of voters and poll-books, the names of counties and
number or name of district; must hold sittings at times desig-
nated by law and give due notice of the time and place of such
sittings; must deliver books after sittings to Clerk of the Superior
Court in Baltimore city, and to Clerks of the Circuit Court in
the counties; are required to sit for revision at stated times; to
publish two alphabetical lists after each sitting, of names regis-
tered, and one of names stricken off; salary, four dollars a day
in the counties, when engaged upon actual duty. In the city of
Baltimore, appointed by the board of supervisors of election;
per diem, four dollars for every day he shall be engaged in the
discharge of his official duties, exclusive of office rent and cost
of stationery. Article 33, section 31, of the Code.
Secretary of State. —See page 93.
State Reporter. —See page 113.
Senators of the United States. —See page 108.