Coroners. —Justices of the peace now act as coroners in the
several counties; it is a fee office; their duties, to hold inquests
on bodies of certain deceased persons; but coroners not to
hold inquest where cause of death is by accident, violence or in
other manner, except when the party died in jail, or a strong
suspicion exists that the party came to his death by a felony;
bond, $3, 000, to be approved by the judges of the Orphans' Court,
and recorded in the Superior Court in Baltimore city, or in the
Circuit Court in the counties; the coroner may compel the attend-
ance of a physician; the coroner must have the deceased buried;
the coroner shall act in the place of the sheriff when he is disquali-
fied. Article 22 of the Code. There are four coroners for the
city of Baltimore at $600 a year; bond of $2, 000 required, to
be approved by the judge of the Superior Court. P. L. L.,
Article 4, section 148.
County Commissioners. —County commissioners are a body
corporate; elected by the people, and their terms are six years;
vacancies are filled by the Governor; they shall make the annual
levy before the first of July in each year; they shall provide for
the collection of the levy; provide for the county expenditures;
pay no claim without a voucher; shall publish annually a state-
ment, minute and detailed, of expenses; they shall not be inter-
ested in any contracts with the county; shall have control of
the public roads, bridges, and the assessment of property; may
appoint commissioner to drain lands; may establish meridian
lines; open private road where land owner or occupants are en-
titled to road to public places; may establish public landings;
establish and control almshouses; buy a lot for school purposes;
impose the State taxes; provide public ferries; may suspend
sales of property advertised for sale for non-payment of taxes;
may provide for the taxation of dogs; must provide a safe repos-
itory for wills; must appoint a keeper of weights and measures.
No bond; salary in the several counties variable. Articles 25,
4, 5, 22, 24 26, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43, 51, 59, 77, 81, 93, 97, of
the Code.
County School Commissioners. —Appointed by the Governor,
by and with the advice of the Senate; they have general super-
vision and control of all schools in their respective counties. In
the city of Baltimore, the school commissioners are appointed by
the City Council; the county school boards appoint the trustees
of schools in the several districts, and have right of appointment
of teachers and the selection of a school examiner. Article 77,
Code. Salary not over $100, at $4 per day each day the board is
in session; no bond; term begins August first and continues
until their successors are selected and have qualified. Act of
1892, chapter 341.