diminished during his term of office. Article HI, section 35,
No lottery shall be authorized by the Legislature. Article III,
section 36, Constitution.
Payment for slaves emancipated is prohibited, but the Legisla-
ture may take measures to obtain payment from the United
States. Article III, section 37, Constitution.
No person can be imprisoned for debt. Article III, section
38, Constitution.
No bank charter shall be granted nor renewed, except on con-
dition that the stockholders are liable for the debts of the bank.
Article III, section 39, Constitution.
No private property can be taken for public use without just
compensation. Article III, section 40, Constitution.
Duellists and those who assist in a duel are debarred from hold-
ing office, unless relieved by Act of Legislature. Article III,
section 41, Constitution.
The General Assembly shall pass laws necessary for the preser-
vation of the purity x»f elections. Article III, section 42, Con-
Laws shall be passed to protect a reasonable amount of prop-
erty of the debtor, net exceeding $500 in value, from execution.
Article III, section 44, Constitution.
The compensation of clerks of courts and registers shall be
made uniform by the Legislature, and must be raised by fees of
the office; such compensation not to exceed $3, 500 over office
and clerical expenses in Baltimore city, and $3, 000 in the several
counties. Article III, section 45, Constitution.
The General Assembly shall have power to receive from the
United States, any grant or donation of land, money, or securi-
ties, for any purpose designated by the United States, and shall
administer or distribute the same according to the conditions of
the said grant. Article III, section 46, Constitution.
The General Assembly shall make provision for all cases of
contested elections not provided for in the Constitution. Article
III, section 47, Constitution.
Corporations may be formed under the general incorporation
Act; but shall not be created by special Act, except for munici-
pal purposes, and except in cases where no general laws exist,
providing for the creation of corporations of the same genera]
character as the corporation proposed to be created; and any
Act of incorporation, passed in violation of this provision, is void.
All charters granted, or adopted, in pursuance of section 48,
Article III, Constitution, and all charters heretofore granted and
created, subject to repeal or modification, may be altered from