Gentlemen of the Senate
and House of Delegates:
WITH profound gratitude to Almighty God, for the pro-
tecting arm which has been extended over us, during the re-
bellion which has desolated so large a portion of our common
country, I meet you for the first time in the official relation
in which I have been placed by the people of Maryland. It
is a scource of heartfelt congratulation, that we come together,
at such a time, and under such auspices. No events has
transpired in the progress of human government, which has
created a more hopeful feeling throughout the civilized world,
or a more well grounded confidence in the success of Republi-
can Institutions, and the right of the people now and hereafter
to control their own destiny, than the overwhelming triumph
of free principles, in the conflict which has so recently termi-
nated in the restoration of peace within our borders, by the
return of the disloyal States to a common allegiance. The
experience of the Past with its record of blood and human
suffering, will not be without its lesson to those who may
question at any time hereafter the power and determination
of this Government., to defend itself against designing men,
or combinations from whatever quarter, to throw themselves
in the way of its success. The Union of these States must
be maintained. Civilization and progress, and the claims
of human freedom, alike demand, that while we take no
step backward, in the great march upon which we have
enterel, the principles of Republican Government will be
steadily persevered in, and all adverse influence, however in—
terposed, whether at home or abroad, will be promptly re-
sisted, by whatever power this government may be able to
The Finances ol' the State, under the extraordinary de-
mands growing out of the rebellion, and the failure to make
our credit available under the provisions of the late Bounty
Act, upon terms satisfactory to the Treasurer, impose upon me