If any Senator shall be called to order by the President, or
by any member, ho shall take his seat until it shall be deter-
mined whether he is in order or not; and all questions shall
be determined in the first instance by the President without
debate; but any member shall have a right to appeal from
his decision to the judgment of the Senate.
Every Bill and every Resolution shall be read on three sev-
eral days, unless it shall be read by special order upon the
assent of three-fourths of the members of the Senate.
There shall be a call of the Senate upon the motion of any
Senator, and all absent members, being at the seat of Gov-
ernment, shall thereupon be sent for.
Every Bill and Resolution originated and passed by the
House of Delegates shall, after the first reading in the Senate,
be referred to the appropriate Standing Committee, unless
otherwise ordered by a majority of the members present.
All questions shall be determined by a majority of the at-
tending members, except such as are otherwise provided for
by the rules of the Senate.
Every question shall be entered on the Journal, and the
votes taken by yeas and nays, if required by the Senator.
The name of every Senator shall appear on the Journal, on
motion for leave to bring in a Dill, on motion proposing a
Resolution, and on motion to amend a Bill, Resolution or
The President may vote on any question, except in case of
appeal from his own decision; he may, from time to time,
call any member to the Chair; and, when on the floor, he
shall have the privilege of entering into debate.
All Committees of the Senate, for conference, shall, if re