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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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1866.] OF THE SENATE. 29
Leave was granted the committee upon that subject, to re-
port. a bill amending the act, to provide for the registration
of births, deaths and marriages. .
On motion of Mr. Whitney,
Leave was granted the committee on Internal Improve-
ments to report a bill to amend the Act of 1826, chapter 12;i,
entitled, an Act to incorporate the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
toad Company.
On motion of Mr. Eaton,
Leave was granted Messrs. Eaton, Turner and Whitney to
report a bill as a supplement to an "Act to incorporate the
Baltimore and Cuba Smelting and Mining Company."
On motion of Mr. Davis, of Caroline,
Leave was granted the committee on Judicial Proceedings
to report a bill for the relief of Henry H. Owings.
On motion of Mr. Clarke,
Ordered, That the Comptroller bo requested to furnish the
Senate with a statement showing the receipts and expenditures
on account of the State Tobacco Warehouses, together with
the cost of the warehouses and the Tobacco fund since its
creation, and to inform the Senate whether the Tobacco fund
has received all the credits to which it is entitled, and if not
additional credits to which it is entitled.
On motion of Mr. Lansdale,
Leave was granted Messrs. Lonsdale, Stephenson and
Clarke, to report a bill to change the time of holding the Cir-
cuit Court of Montgomery county.
On motion of Mr. Clarke,
Leave was granted Messsrs. Clarke, Tome and Ohr, to
report a bill entitled, an act to provide for the sale of the
State Tobacco Warehouses, and the investment of the surplus
remaining after the payment of the Tobacco debt in the
Defence Loan of the State, and the distribution of the bonds so
taken in the Defence Loan among the tobacco growing coun-
ties of the State, for purposes of Internal Improvements.
On motion of Mr. Eaton,
Ordered, That the Adjutant General, be requested to fur-
nish the Senate with the number of men enlisted to the credit
of the State of Maryland, from the 1st of April 1861, to the
26th of May, 1863.
On motion of Mr. Clarke,
Leave was granted the Committee on Judicial Proceedings
to report a bill entitled, an Act to restore to. the full rights of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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