CHAPTER 338. |
A Supplement to AN ACT passed at January
Session eighteen hundred and fifty-two, entitled
An Act to incorporate the Santa Clara Mining
Association of Baltimore, authorizing said asso-
ciation to make and enforce payment of all calls
or assessments upon its capital stock. |
Passed Mar.
12, 1867. |
WHEREAS, it hath been represented to the Gene-
ral Assembly of Maryland that it hath become
necessary for the "Santa Clara Mining Association
of Baltimore" to call upon the stockholders for
the purpose of obtaining the means necessary to
free it from its debt. Therefore, |
Preamble. |
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the President and Board of Di-
rectors of the Santa Clara Mining Association of
Baltimore be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to make calls or assessments, additional
to any heretofore made upon the capital stock, for
the purpose of paying the indebtedness of the asso-
ciation to an amount not exceeding in addition to
any former calls or assessments, the sum of three
dollars per share, and to provide for the times and
manner in which the same and any heretofore
made shall be payable, and any sail or assessment
heretofore made is hereby validated. |
to make calls. |
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That any calls
or assessment made, or to be made, shall be or con-
tinue liens upon the shares respectively on which
they shall be payable until fully paid; and if any
stockholder or stockholders shall fail to pay any
call or assessment or part instalments thereof
within the period of sixty days after the time when
the same shall be payable, and if demanded shall
have been made upon such stockholder or stock-
holders on notice in writing or printed of the time
of payment shall have been addressed to such
stockholder or stockholders at his, her, its or their
usual abode or place of business, at least one week
prior to the time when such call or assessment, in-
stalment or part thereof, shall be payable, then
the shares of the capital stock upon which such |
Calls made. |