vice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold his
office at the pleasure of the Governor, and an In-
spector General, each of whom shall rank as Major
General; a Judge Advocate General, a Paymaster
General, a Quartermaster General, a Surgeon
General and a Commissary General, each of whom
shall rank as Brigadier General, and shall each be
appointed by the Governor, by and with the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold
their respective commissions until trial and con-
viction by Court Martial, and the Governor is
hereby empowered to appoint such number of
Aides-de-Camp with the rank of Colonel, as may
be necessary to enable him to discharge his duties
as Commander-in-Chief. |
Duties of Ad-
jutant General. |
10. The duties of the Adjutant General shall be
as follows to wit: He shall issue sign, and transmit
all general orders of the Gommander-in-Chief to the
several officers of the Militia, and shall keep a record
of all general and special orders and regulations, and
cause the same to be published when directed, he
shall enter of record a description of the brigades,
regiments and companies which may hereafter be
formed, and every alteration thereof showing the
name, rank, date of commission, office and resi-
dence of each, and the number and date, and shall
revise said roster annually and correct the same,
he shall make out and issue all commissions and
discharges directed by the Commander-in-Chief,
he shall prepare and provide the necessary rosters,
books of record, forms, blanks for commissions,
discharges, returns, and other papers required un-
der this Act, at the expense of the State, and dis-
tribute the same to the officers of the regiments
and companies entitled to them, upon requisition
therefor; he shall be charged with all the corres-
pondence between the Commander-in-Chief and
officers of the several States and Territories, the
Secretary of War, the Adjutant General of the
Army of the United States, and other persons in
official stations, on the subject of Military affairs,
and keep a record of such correspondence; he shall
annually make a return in triplicate of all the
Militia of the State, one copy whereof he shall de-
liver to the Commander-in-Chief on or before the
first day of January; one copy shall be transmitted |