Harbough, William J. Creemer, Trustees of the
Parsonage belonging to the Mechanicstown Charge
of the German Reform Church, and their asso-
ciates in office be and they are hereby incorporated
and created a body politic, under the name and
style of the Trustees of the Parsonage belonging
to the Mechanicstown Charge of the German Re-
form Church, and by that name shall have per-
petual succession, and shall be able and capable in
law to sue and be sued in any court of law or
equity in this State, or before any Judge or Jus-
tice, shall make such by-laws for their government
as they may think proper, have and use a common
seal, and the same to alter and break at pleasure,
and to do all other acts necessary to carry out the
object of this incorporation. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the Trustees
herein named or their successors in office shall
have power to sell and convey the Parsonage pro-
perty now held by them, and that they may at
any time hereafter purchase, have, hold and im-
prove such property for a parsonage or residence
for the pastor of said charge, as they may think
proper, not to exceed in value five thousand
dollars. |
May hold real
estate. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the congrega-
tion belonging to the church above named shall
annually on the first Monday in May, or as soon
thereafter as may be convenient, elect from their
own membership, not exceeding seven Trustees,
for the purpose herebefore named, and the Board
of Trustees shall have power to fill all vacancies
in said Board. |
Trustees. |
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage. |
In force. |