Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That the said County
Commissioners are hereby authorized, at any time
or times, to sell or pledge the shares of stock
which may be subscribed for under the provisions
of this Act, or any part thereof, and to apply the
proceeds of such sales or pledges, together with
the dividends accruing on such shares, to the pay-
ment of said bonds or the interest thereon. |
May sell and
pledge stock. |
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That a majority of
the said County Commissioners are hereby em-
powered to vote the stock subscribed for by virtue
of this Act, at any meeting of the stockholders of
the Queen Anne's and Kent County Railroad Com-
pany, in such manner and subject to such restric-
tions and conditions as the private stockholders in
the said company are or may be authorized to vote
their individual stock. |
Authority to
vote stock. |
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Act, entitled
an Act to empower the County Commissioners of
Queen Anne's county to levy a tax, not exceeding
sixty thousand dollars, on the taxable property of
said county for the benefit of the Queen Anne's
and Kent County Railroad, provided that on
submission of the question to the citizens of the
county, there shall appear to be a majority thereof
for such taxation, and further, in such favorable
contingency, to authorize the County Commission-
ers to issue the bonds of the county, passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-six,
be and the same is hereby repealed. |
Repealed. |
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage |
In force. |