Books to be
opened. |
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That as soon as prac-
ticable after the passage of this Act, the persons
named in the first section thereof or a majority of
them, shall open books for subscription to the cap-
ital stock of the company at some public place or
places in the City of Baltimore, of which public
notice shall be given, and shall keep the same
open for two weeks, or until twenty-five hundred
shares are subscribed and taken. |
General meet-
ing of Stock-
holders. |
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors may call a general meeting of the
stockholders for any purpose relative to the affairs
of the company, and if the President and Directors
resuse to call such meeting, the number of stock-
holders, proprietors of the number of shares shall
have power to call a general meeting of the stock-
holders, giving at least fifteen days' notice in said
newspapers published in the City of Baltimore,
specifying in such notice the object of such meet-
ing. |
Allowed to
exercise addi-
tional powers. |
Sec. 13. And be it enacted. That a majority in
amount of the whole number of stockholders may,
in their discretion, accept and exercise any addi-
tional powers and privileges, which may at any
time be conferred upon this company, either by
amendment of this Act by or any other Act hereaf-
ter to be passed. |
Banking pri-
vileges prohib-
ited. |
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be construed as to confer banking
privileges on said company, to issue any note or
other evidence of debt to be used as currency. |
as witnesses. |
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That in any suit by
or against the company, no stockholder, as such,
shall be incompetent as a witness unless he be oth-
erwise a party to the suit. |
In force and
reservation. |
Sec. 16. Be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage, and that
the General Assembly reserves the right to alter,
amend or repeal the same at pleasure. |