Passed Feb.
27, 1867. |
Entitled, AN ACT to authorize the bequest of
Catharine Seip, late of Baltimore city, to the
second German Evangelical Lutheran church of
the city of Baltimore. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, Catharine Seip, late of the city of
Baltimore, deceased, bequeathed by nuncupative
will, duly admitted to probate in the Orphan's
Court for Baltimore city, on the eleventh day of
June, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, all
her property amounting after the deduction of the
expenses of the administration on the property of
the said deceased, to three hundred and twenty-
six dollars and fifty-six cents. |
Bequest de-
clared valid. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from the passage of this Act,
the leave of the General Assembly of Maryland
shall be, and the same is hereby given, to carry
into effect the bequest of the said Catharine Seip,
late of the city of Baltimore, deceased, in favor of
the second German Evangelical Lutheran church. |
In force. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from and after its passage. |
CHAPTER. 90. |
Passed Feb.
28, 1867. |
AN ACT entitled, a supplement to an Act passed
at January Session, eighteen hundred and fifty-
six, Chapter one hundred and nine, to amend
an Act entitled, an Act to incorporate the Fre-
mont Savings Institution of Baltimore by allow-
ing said Institution the privileges embraced un-
der the Act entitled, an Act to continue the cor-
porate existence of the several banking, institu- |