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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1911   View pdf image (33K)
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Henry Sander
Henry Ellighansen
Hen re Both
Chas Knes
Henry Ruggmann
Henry Vieweg
J P Miller
A Hellwin
E Dawlony
G Dern
C Rudy
G Repp
F Frastrow
Martin Stockard
A Bushnar
L Fox
John Flieshman
John Sigel
Whilhalm Stiegler
Whi Dreyer
Leonard Philips
Henry Wise
Henry Treadman
Th Treibmam
Jno Kramer
Victor Schwerg
G Wumgage
Wm Schonhals
J Pruiz
John Schinz
F Otto
J Albert
C Pfaff
F Gandgraf
G Monath
D Eichean
W H Fiekey
Edw F Wellilager
T C Distler
F Cramer
K Reiter
P Bearsth
C Truiso
F Treppner
W Engel
T Linferdt
T Quinn

G Kochlerschnimidt
M Fox
F Berger
Z Whilhow
Q Grulton
John Heok
Henry Riefner
G Kummel
John Heck
N Schoenig
G Glak
Jno G Bushsbaun
Geo Hoesh
Henry Most
John Smith
L Altman
B Rafferty
P Coilins
S Coilins
Adam Paul
Jacob Maisel
A Smith
G Smith
J Cloynet
H Kramer
G Rofunbaugar
John Kranse
Geo Schlenker
P Hoffmeister
T Will
T Millars
Jos Zeller
J H Bahre
Geo Whitimeyer
H B Rubert
John Oherlender
Jas Ruth
G Rossmiller
James Leayne
A Druke
F Criaeser
Jno Glasser
L Newschaefer
M Kerr
C Luthen
K Hoftmeister
J Joham


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1911   View pdf image (33K)
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